AGNIKARMA- A Reference Manual for Ayurvedic Physicians- Information Directly Extracted from Approximately Three Thousand Year Old Literature.
Agnikarma is a time-tested Ancient Treatment modality, practiced in India for more than three thousand years. The procedure primarily involves a topical application of controlled heated rod of specific qualities to treat various kind of diseases and or disorders. However, this technique involves a paradigm shift to understand the process protocols and mechanisms. Without a grasp of its fundamentals, practice in modern labs and clinics is impossible. Though we present here a practice that has been so far limited to only Ayurvedic Physicians, the authors offer this paper without changing the meanings via specific word to word translations into modern language, with the intention that the dimensions of the ancient approach are retained without defragmentation. The authors present this paper to encourage modern scientists and doctors to further explore this ancient paradigm. A glossary is provided at the end of this paper for reference.
Aignanaa kRtvaa yat kma- , Agnao: sMabainQa vaa yat kma- tdignakma - I³sau.saU/1, 2 – Dalhan Commentry.
A. Dwivedi, Ayurveda, 2014
Atharvaveda- Krimi Chikitsa-5/5/23-13
Atharvaveda- Bheshaja -6/11/6
Rigaveda- Bheshaja-.Aignaihma-syaBaoYajama È –yajau-23 /10
Rigaveda-Yagnya-savao-YaaMcaikO`maINa Mdhyaamaig nana mauKama È – Aqava-5 /23.
Supremacy of Agnikarma - xaaradignaga-rIyaana iËyaasau vyaa#yaat: t_gQaanaaM raogaaNaamapunaBaa-vaatBaoYajaSas~xaarOrsaaQyaanaaMt%saaQya%vaacca È(sau.sau.12À3). syaBaoYajama È -yajau.23 /10
Charaka Samhita - Sutrasthana- Trasana Chikista'-Ch.Su 24/46
Charaka Samhita - Sutrasthana- Mansagata Vyadhi'. Ch.Su.28/26.
Sushruta Samhita –Sutrasthana- Agropaharaniya -5/6.
Sushruta Samhita –Sutrasthana - 'Anushalya.'-8/15.
Sushruta Samhita –Sutrasthana- 12/9-10.
Sushruta Samhita – Chikitsasthana - pakrama-1/8.
Sushruta Samhita – Chikitsasthana- Asthi, Snayu, Sandhigata Vataprakopa- 4/8.
Dalhana Commentary on Sushruta's Sushrut samahita-Chapter 12/ 11
AcharyaVagbhata -A.H. Su. 30/4
Sushruta - S. Su. 12/7
Shalakas. Probe should be 12 angula (ancient Indian units) and the tip should be 2 anguli.
Types of shalakas and their corresponding temperatures
ta~ Sabdpa`aduBaa-vaao duga-MnQata %va@saMkaaocaSca %vagdgQao , kpaotvaNa-ta|lpaEvayaqauvaodanaa SauYksaMkuicatva`Nata ca maaMsadgQao .
kRYNaaonnatva`Nataa s~aavasainnraoQasca isarasnaayaudgQao, ÉxaaÉNata kk-
Saisqar va`Nata ca saMqyaaisQadgQao È sau.saU .12À8´
pa@vajambaivaisataM sannaM samyagdgQama È A.saU. 30À6´
Sushruta- Su. Su. 12/4.
pichhila diet -S. Su. 12/5
Purva Parikshna -raogasya saMsqaanamavaoxyaM samyaknnarsya mamaa-iNa balaabalaM ca È.
vyaaiQa tqatu-M ca samaIxya samyk ttao|QyavasyoaidiBaYgaaignkma-ÈÈ ³sau.saU. 12À12´.
P. Lakshmanan, S. Lakshmanan, "Protecting Traditional Knowledge, Can Intellectual Property rights help?, Ancient Science, 1, 2, 2014.
Sushrutha. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Visvabharati; Sushrutha samhitha with English translation of text and Dalhana's commentary along with critical notes edited and translated by Priyavrat Sharma.Vol; Reprint, 2004.
Charaka. Varanasi: Chowkambha Sanskrit Series Office; Agnivesha's Charaka Samhita. Text with English translation. Translated by Ramkaran Sharma and Vaidya Bhagwan Dash. 1, 2005.
Cakrapanidatta. 2nd ed. Varanasi: Chowkambha Publishers; Cakradatta- (Sanskrit text English translation) Edited and translated by Priyavrat Sharma, 1998.
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.14259%2Fav.v2i2.176
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