VRI- Phytomedicine (VRI-PM) is an international scientific eJournal that publishes all areas of ethnopharmacology, ethnobotany, medicinal activities and plant biotechnology. It broadly accepts all the areas of plant sciences, i.e. ethnobotany, medicinal plants, activity, isolation of minerals, volatile oils and many more.
VRI- Phytomedicine publishes regular research papers, Letters to editor, Short Communications, Mini Reviews and Reviews that deals with all the aspects of plant biology and medicinal values. VRI- Phytomedicine is encouraging scientists to publish experimental data in as elaborated as possible.
VRI- Phytomedicine will be published bimonthly (6 issues per year). VRI- Phytomedicine is the rapid peer reviewed publication system, which will allow faster reviewing and notify editorial decision rapidly.
Latest Issue Online
Volume 6, Issue 1Â is now available.
A Special Invitation for Sponsorship
VRI-PM seeks organizations interested in supporting unbiased research and educational practices. Learn more about opportunities to align your organization with this important initiative.
Sponsors of VRI-Phytomedicine will help advance topics and debates that address the most critical issue associated with continuing education in the healthcare field. A relationship with VRI-PM positions sponsoring organizations as champions of unbiased research and educational practice among this discerning audience. Please contact admin, with any inquiries regarding sponsorship opportunities at vri@vripress.com |
Journal List
- Molecular Neuroscience
- Nano Therapeutics
- Onco Reviews
- VRI Phytomedicine
- VRI Cell Signaling
- VRI Biological Medicinal Chemistry
- VRI Bioinformatics & Proteomics
- Translational Clinical Biology
- Biomaterials Research
- Diabetic Reviews
- Hematological Reviews
- TME Reviews
- Pharmaco Reviews
- Biomarker Reviews
- Ayurvedic
- Immune Cell
- Gastro Reviews
- Ancient Science
Author Guidelines
Overview of manuscript submission process
Here are the brief outlines of the manuscript submission process for VRI Press journals.
- Prepare a cover letter briefly describing the significance of the work.
- Prepare manuscript text in Microsoft Word.
- Acceptable figure formats are TIFF, high quality JPEGs, EPS files.
- The figures should be sent to us as single PDF or PPT file.
- Supplemental data files (which includes text and figures) should be submitted as separate single word or PDF file.
- Upload the main manuscript file, supplemental data files and the cover letter                                                                Â
- All the manuscript must be formatted according to the VRI Press journal guidelines.
- If your manuscript is accepted for publication in VRI Press journals, you will be receiving an email to follow instructions to submit final edited and page-proof versions
- All authors on the manuscript or research article are responsible for the scientific content and obtain consent before publishing.
Preparing your Manuscript (Mini Review or Review)
We encourage all authors to submit manuscripts which are not previously published and not under consideration for publication elsewhere. Letters, Mini Reviews and Reviews and Manuscripts must be written in English, Authors from non-English speaking countries can take help from the certified professional editors within their campus/institution/university to avoid grammatical errors and typos before submitting the manuscript.
Copyright and consent from co-authors
All authors must agree and approve the submission of the final version of the manuscript. After acceptance of manuscript, Corresponding author(s) must sign the copyright to the VRI Press journals.
VRI Press journal article types
VRI Press review journals publish Letters, mini reviews and reviews. Reports,
Authors need to describe the significance of work in their summary/abstract. Introduction, methods, results and discussion sections should be precise. We encourage authors to avoid speculations and focus on their scientific data to describe in results and conclusions sections.Â
Publication charges
Author Fee: 100 USD per article (which includes color figures)
Schematics, Color Figures and Tables: Free of charge.
Criteria for the preparation color figures: We encourage authors to use color figures where they will enhance the presentation of the data. Any figure submitted in color will be reviewed and processed with the understanding that the figure will be published in color.
If you want to withdraw manuscript after reviewed, there will be 50 USD withdraw fee for each manuscript.
Reprints: A high quality copy of the final original published manuscript will be sent to corresponding author via email.
Manuscript Page Specifications
Authors should use 8.5 / 11-inch paper size, the text should be typed in double space throughout. The text should be submitted as single column format with 1 inch space on left and right column and 0.5 inches spacing between columns, from title, summary/abstract, introduction, methods, results, figure legends and discussion. All pages in the manuscripts and figures should be numbered appropriately (Typical Research Article should be below specifications).Â
Mini Reviews and Reviews
Must have Title, authors, affiliation, abstract, key words, Introduction and so on. Mini Reviews must be Less than 3500 words and full review must be more than 3500 words without references.
Manuscript Title
The title of the manuscript should be short and intelligible to the readers and should convey your essential meaning of the data presented in the manuscript. Which should not exceed 100 characters.
Authors should provide their complete names, affiliations and also specify corresponding author/s on the manuscript such as author’s name, phone and fax numbers, and current e-mail address.
Authors should describe the significance of the findings reported in the manuscript clearly and concisely in the summary or abstract. Abstracts can have one or two references relevant to a scientific question. The summary or abstract should not exceed 250 words.
You must mention at least five keywords and not more than eight key words
The purpose of introduction should be extensive review of the literature and authors should include the purpose of the study, specifying the relationship of the literature to the relevance of the questions addressed in the manuscript.
Meaningful information with heard lines and so on.
Citations can include, books/chapters, reviews, reports, opinions and letters published in any scientific journals. These should be numbered, and journals were abbreviated as published with legibly written with details like title, volume, page number and year.
Follow the journal citation style of “Current Opinion in Immunology†if you use any type of reference managers like “Endnoteâ€
Important:Â Inside text must be use numbers as "[1]" and so on.
Reference Examples:
1. Koduru S, Wong E, Strowig T, Sundaram R, Zhang L, Strout MP, Flavell RA, Schatz DG, Dhodapkar KM, Dhodapkar MV: Dendritic cell-mediated activation-induced cytidine deaminase (AID)-dependent induction of genomic instability in human myeloma. Blood2012, 119:2302-2309.
Book Chapter:
2. Billoski TV: Introduction to Paleontology edn 6th. New York: Institutional Press; 1992.
3. Schwartz MT, Billoski TV: Greenhouse hypothesis: effect on dinosaur extinction. In Extinction. Edited by Jones BT, Lovecraft NV: Barnes and Ellis; 1990:175-189.
Conference Proceedings:
4. Magott J, Skudlarski K: Combining Generalized Stochastic Petri Nets and PERT Networks For The Performance Evaluation Of Concurrent Processes. Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Petri Nets and Performance Models, December 11-13, IEEE Xplore Press, Japan, 1989:Â pp: 249-256.
Website Citation:
5. UNEP: Cleaner Production Assessment in Industries. Production and Consumption Branch. United Nations Environment Program, 2012. http://www.unepie.org/pc/cp/understanding_cp/cp_industries.htm (Accessed on February 13, 2011).
Authors must define biochemical abbreviations in parenthesis first used in the text. Common biochemical abbreviations such as AChE, GAPDH, ADP, ATP, NAD, NADH, RNA, DNA need not be defined. Any such abbreviation/s which is/are not common, authors has to mention clearly when they are first used in the manuscript.
We suggest authors to make figures in RGB color mode, with high resolution using minimum of 300 dpi (dots per inch). If the figure contains multiple panels, they need to be annotated as Figure 1A, B, C, D, E and so on. Assemble single figure as one montage. Figure dimensions need to be specific with minimum of 6 X 6 inches. Any modifications such as brightness/contrast, or gamma corrections (with not less or more than 1) should be applied to the whole figure to get a uniform appearance.
Tables and Graphs
The line graphs and tables should be made with appropriate size, with the unit measurements must be mentioned near x or y-axes. The line should be 2 px thick and all letters should be minimum of 6 point size. Authors can use colors while making graphs and shade to express the % of expression in graphs and tables.
Data and Movie slides
We encourage authors to upload movies of appropriate files of protein 3D maps of protein / or biochemical data structures, microarray and NGS, RNA-seq data in movies or 3D slides in avi, ppt, tiff and docx files.
Supplementary files
Additional data will be reviewed thoroughly and considered as a part of the original manuscript as supporting information. The supplemental data should be submitted with the original manuscript with the following information: manuscript title, names of the authors with correspondence information which might include text, data, graphs, tables, figure legends and references and should be as a single PDF file.Â
Editorial Team
Managing Editor
- Dr Srinivas V Koduru, Founder, CEO and Managing Editor, VRI Press, Vedic Research Inc. Seaford, NY 11783, United States
- Dr., Professor Jyan-Gwo Su, Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Chiayi University., Taiwan, Province of China
- Prof. Prasanta Kumar Mitra, HOD, Dept. of Medical Biotechnology Sikkim Manipal Institute of Medical Sciences, India
- Prof. Shivananda Nayak, Faculty of Medical Sciences Department of Preclinical Sciences, The University of the West Indies, Trinidad and Tobago
- Dr Prakash Katakam, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Zawia, Az Zawiyah, Libya
- Prof. Dr. US Mahadeva Rao, Faculty of Medicine and Health Science, Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin, Malaysia
Associate Editors
- Dr. Manjulatha K, Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences, University of Hyderabad, India
- Dr Sinan Ince, Afyon Kocatepe University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology ANS Campus, 03030 Afyonkarahisar/TURKEY, Turkey
- Dr Masoud Tohidfar, Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran, Iran, Islamic Republic of
- Dr. Mohamed Azmi Ahmad Hassali, Deputy Dean (Student Affairs & Networking) School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Malaysia
- Prof. Dr. Ibrahim Demirtas, Plant Research Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, Ballica Campus, Cankiri Karatekin University, Turkey
- Dr. Kaliappan Ilango, Dean, Interdisciplinary School of Indian System of Medicine (ISISM), S.R.M. University,, India
- Mr Rohit Gundamaraju, Department of Pharmacology, Malla Reddy Institute Of Pharmaceutical Sciences,, India
- Prof. Bechan Sharma, Professor of Biochemistry & Ex-Chairman, Department of Biochemistry Ex-Coordinator, Centre for Biotechnology Nodal Officer:Intellectual Property Rights Cell Chairman:Core Committee-Environmental Science University of Allahabad Allahabad-U.P., India, India
Technical Editors
- Dr. Shah Alam Khan, Dept of Pharmacy Oman Medical College, Oman
- Prof. Naim M Iraki, UNESCO Biotechnology Educational and Training Center, Bethlehem University, Israel
- Dr. Sarah Alves Auharek, Center of Biological Sciences and Health- Federal University of Mato Grosso do Sul, Brazil
- Dr. Rivelilson Mendes de Freitas, Biochemistry and Pharmacology Federal University of PiauÃ, Brazil
- Prof. Govind Prasad Dubey, National Facility for Tribal and Herbal Medicine Institute of Medical Sciences Banaras Hindu University, India
- Dr. Amit Gajanan Nerkar, Department of Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemistry, Sinhgad Technical Education Society's Smt.Kashibai Navale College of Pharmacy, India
- Prof. Dr. Gotthard Kunze, Institute of Pland Genetics and Crop Plant Research Germary, Germany
- Dr Jaipal Reddy Appidi, University of Fort Hare, South Africa
- Dr Ravishankar B, Director, SDM Centre for Research in Ayurveda and Allied Sciences Kuthpady Udupi- Inidia, India
- Dr Ismail Ahmed Ismail, Laboratory of Molecular Cell Biology, Faculty of Science, Assiut University, Egypt., Egypt
- Dr. Papiya Bigoniya, Department of Pharmacology, Radharaman College of Pharmacy, India
- Mir Monir Hossain, Department of Pharmacy, Faculty of Basic Medical & Pharmaceutical Science, University of Science & Technology Chittagong (USTC), Bangladesh
- Mr. Pathan Rafi Khan, R&D (Pharmacology), LAILA NUTRACEUTICALS, VIJAYAWADA, India
- Dr. Raman Thiagarajan, Department of Bioengineering, School of Chemical and Biotechnology, SASTRA University, India
- Dr. Veena Pande, Department of Biotechnology, Kumaun University, India
Gene Arrays
Vol 6, No 1 (2018): Volume 6: Issue 1
Table of Contents
Mini Review
A review on phytochemical constituents of pharmaceutically important mangrove plants, their medicinal uses and pharmacological activities. | PDF Plus PDF |
Md. Ahasun Habib, Fahmida Khatun, Mastura khatun Ruma, A. S. M. Homaun Kabir Chowdhury, Al Rumanan Silve, Arrafy Rahman, Md. Imran Hossain |